It's Time For Your Audience To Jump Into Your Offers And Pay You What You Know You're Worth

Join me for 6 weeks live and watch as your bank account increases and you are prioritized like never before.


Right now you are showing up consistently and putting out content but not fully owning that your work is incredible. You’ve got clients coming in but when you jump on sales calls with, you aren’t fully convicted that people need your work. This is exactly why you aren't making the amount of money that you want to.

When, instead, you are completely convicted of your work, own your genius and show up for high paying clients versus hiding your brilliance, your income blows tf up, fast.

Until you change, your income and clients can't change either.

When you stop doubting your validity and how incredible your work is, and become the woman who people pay on demand, renew with and see as essential to their success, thousands come into your world daily without you having to try so hard.

This is exactly what we do inside of Highly Valued, Highly Paid, click the link below to join us and let's blow up your income together while getting you premium clients who will happily pay you more than double your current rates.


Inside of this 6 week program you will learn:

đŸ’” How to powerfully speak to premium clients who will pay you double your current rates

đŸ’” How to show up powerfully in your business so that you instantly resonate with clients who buy over and over again and refer you

đŸ’” How to have conversations that guarantee the sale

đŸ’” How to communicate your authority in a very specific way that has people knowing they need to hire you on the spot

BONUS #1: Live weekly coaching with me where I will give you real time feedback on your offers and help you tweak them.

BONUS #2: Gain access to the Facebook group where  you will have coaching from me and hands on support for the entire 6 weeks.

BONUS #3: A brand new hypnosis session that I've never offered to the public that includes the commands that have helped my most successful clients make millions.Â đŸ€­

I Am Ready To Have $1000+ Days
I Am Ready To Have $1000+ Days

Meet Your Mentor

Pamela Horner (Founder Of The Awakened Aphrodite) is a Master Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming, Tantric practitioner and creator of Feminine Dominanceℱ.

After working with Celebrity influencers, Therapists and multi-million dollar earning entrepreneurs, she knew she had to take her secrets to success and love mainstream.

Since then, she has been helping people step into their power with money and relationships and helped multiple people make millions.

Being in her space is an experience that will transform your life forever. It will have you owning your confidence, power and influence with money and intimacy like never before.

You will become unrecognizable in the best of ways... and your bank account will have never looked better. 😏

Her work is the last coaching that you will ever need because once you understand how to access your power to create radical, rapid results, nothing else will compare. You will know with certainty how to have money and love (and whatever else you want) showing up on command. You're worth it.

Early Bird Pricing Ends:









Choose the plan that feels best for you below.



Includes 1 Month Unlimited Voxer Support + 2 Coaching Calls

This includes Highly Paid, Highly Valued and one month of 1:1 coaching with Pamela. 

Upgrade me for the 1:1 experience!!!



Yes, I am paying in full.

3 Monthly Payments

$600 x 3

3 Payment Option

4 Monthly Payments

$460 x 4

4 Payment Option

6 Monthly Payments

$333 x 6

6 Payment Option